
Our Vision

Our vision is to nurture the small seeds of hope within each child with whom we work. Many of
them have the kind of hope that is only a vague feeling of wanting to live a different and better
life. Others have exciting, detailed dreams which they hope to realize, but do not have the
necessary tools and resources.

By linking inner city youth with positive role models, educating them on the available resources
and opportunities, and providing access to funding for college scholarships, we believe that these
seeds of hope can grow, flourish and lead to a renewed life, free of many of the burdens they
carry today.

Our Mission

The purpose of the Inner City Youth Charitable Foundation is to motivate and support inner city
youth to prepare for and obtain higher education. Our programs connect youth to mentors who
serve as role models for careers, family life, and community service. Our mentorship programs
focus on improving academic functioning, experiencing the value of work, expanding awareness
and appreciation of self, others, and the environment beyond their home and neighborhood
situations. Those who successfully complete our mentorship programs are eligible for college
scholarships at participating universities.

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